Genesis Pools & Launch
Initially 1 GUN token will be minted on contract creation so the dev's can create the TraderJoe LP pair (GUN/MIM). As 1 token is not enough to sustain any sort of trading activity the usual way to launch these protocols is to have a Genesis Pool where these tokens are distributed among the community in return for supplying liquidity to a Genesis Pool. All pools are found in the armory (farm).
Genesis Pool (First 24hrs)
In the first 24hrs of launch 2400 WAR tokens (100/hr) will be released to pool stakers. We intend to keep the pools protocol specific and will only offer AVAX and MIM staking. These two pools will be up for the whole 24hrs. Around halfway through the initial 24hr period we will add the GUN/MIM LP token pool to allow stakers to begin adding LP liquidity. Weightings will be evenly split between MIM and AVAX pools for the first 12hrs then will change to 10% each when we add the GUN/MIM LP pool. The LP pool will have 80% weighting for the remainder of the initial 24hrs.
Weightings: AVAX (50% for first 12hr then 10% after), MIM (50% for first 12hr then 10% after), GUN/MIM LP (80%)
Total GUN tokens: 2400
Contract: GunGenesisRewardPool.sol
Gun Reward Pool
After the initial 24 hrs GUN reward pool will not be active for some time to keep GUN above peg at our bootstrap. A total of 21600 GUN will be distributed linearly across the week (2400/day) with weightings swayed towards the LP pools. We will still offer AVAX and MIM staking pools for this period however their weightings will be substantially less than the LP pairs. We are likely to also add the TANK/MIM LP pair to the GUN farm when it launches around halfway through the week.
Weightings: AVAX (10% max), MIM (10% max), GUN/MIM LP (80%)
Total GUN tokens: 21600 (2400/day)
Contract: GunRewardPool.sol
There's also a further 1000 GUN tokens that will be kept for a community airdrop at some point towards the end of the first 10 days. This airdrop will go specifically to those who have been active community members and hodlers of the majority of their rewards for the week, bonus points for reinvesting these rewards. The exact criteria for eligibility will be kept a secret to prevent abuse but dumping whales will not be included.
Airdrop has been completed please see our discord & telegram for details.
Last updated